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I opened my eyes, last night, and saw you in the low light
Walking by the bay, on the shore
Staring up at the planes that aren't there anymore
You happened to look, and see, the tunnels all around me
Running into the dark underground

Monday, October 26, 2009

I've this annoying aching pain at my sides that won't go away. Plus, I kept having to resist the urge to NOT cough aloud at Michael's briefing.


Nonetheless, a good day for me.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

I can't believe I was actually somewhat stressed out about this Final Year Project! ): That's not me, normally I'd treat it normal. But I guess the Ds got into me somehow. -shrugs-

And I got QL's parcel! Can you believe it? I was stressed over her parcel! I frigging was! I'm stressed out about it because it's something new to me AND! It's responsibilty was thrust upon me.

Ok, but I'm still stressed over my Final Year Project. Eco house! ): Live in a tree house! It has alot of benefits. Plus, trees are as cooling as an air-conditioner. I can go on and on about this. It's madness I tell you. Tree house. Haha.

I've got GEMS tomorrow, I'm damn excited. Or anxious, more likely. It's marking the start of a torture or a great adventure! I think I'm the only one taking 'Know Your Rights' as a GEM in class. Oh well.

I've always wanted to be a lawyer (before my fantasies grew wilder and somehow became a pilot). And well, reading my lawyer-ish novels again really sparked my interest again. I want to become a lawyerrrrrrrrrrrr. ):

I want. ):
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm currently messing my hair and pulling them out chunk by chunk - because I'm stuck on Sun and Wind directions.

So much for taking history.

I am starting on my final piece for the year, a grand piece of architecture (LOL, in my dreams yes.) that would be called 'home' for a house of 4. Eco-friendly and blah blah blah.

Guess what's my grand idea? A STRAW HOUSE!


Lol. It's:

1. Eco-friendly. Duh, no place for air-conditioners. Wait. Make that no place for ELECTRICAL WIRING.

2. Made using envrirontmentally materials. -Straw! Bio-degradable.

3. Low carbon footprints. - No car porch for you! :D No exhaust ya-da ya-da.

They may be better off living in a tree. LOLOLOL. I'm such a lousy architect.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Great, I so totally missed my GEMS appointment today. The second one is tonight at 9, but I'm pretty sure that all the nice ones are gone. See, someone logged in 2 minutes late and all the nice GEMS are gone.

Tsk, but I can make do, I guess. The way I always do.
Monday, October 12, 2009

I can never get a decent sleep at home without waking up at 6am. Its either bother the rest when you wake up first, or be bothered by those who woke up first.
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Okay, seriously. When I say I'm teaching my brother his school stuff, you'd might as well say that I'm the one going to primary school.

Or that I'm the one mugging for his PSLE.

See, I mark his papers, note where are his weak areas, note what are the questions he always screw up on.

And hell, I bet I know him better than he does! (Academically, of course.)

I can count off, one-by-one, all the Math questions that he gets 0. -.- Pray, tell me. How does a Math failure coach another Math failure and get the Math failure to pass?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I feel sad and negative. But it's not for myself. It's for my brother. I wonder what have the circumstances done to him.

I feel that he's grossly underpriviledged compared to me, compared to my brother. He always has this part missing, this bit that isn't there, but that bit more or less exists in me.

I didn't give him more, I didn't pull him away. I let him sink, and now he's sunk.

I'm trying to make amends, but it's far too late. It's akin to saving a sunken ship, only with the inverted hull in sight. He's gonna sink whatever I do.

He's gonna sink anyway.
Monday, October 5, 2009

I've been saving up and I wanna go shopping, and have fun for abit before term starts!
Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'd never underestimate the mighty power of my disease-prone family. What cough, flu, cough.

I got flu! I'd rather hack my lungs out than have flu. I'm bringing tissues with me all over the place and stuffing tissues in my nose and breathing through my mouth. Thoroughly unglamourous but I didn't ask for it. ): The amount of mucus produced was record high. So was the phelgm bit.

I'd realise the only flu medication that would work on me would make me drowsy. Now I understand Clearinase's ad to 101%. (That's why I skipped out the curry-eating at QL's home. I don't want to be spreading germs and dripping mucus all over. YUCK.)

I can't stand 3 person's attack of germs.

Now, that I'm good, and in the pink of health again. ALL 3 LOVELY PEOPLE ARE COUGHING.
