Thursday, April 30, 2009
Okay, I need to confess.
No, I didn't kill anybody, nor did any terrible crime. It's not even crime, much less a petty crime.
All along I've always been this teen filled with angst. All these feelings pent up inside of me. Then, a younger, more immature me felt that I need to store up all these negative feelings inside me, and then, when I can't take it any longer (usually doesn't take much time), I'll just blow up. :D
Then, I've changed to become a better person, not yelling vulgarities at people already, nor getting angry that easily. I used to have the shortest temper in the household, and now I'm trying to rival my Dad's! He's uber good I tell you! :D
BUT! (With me there's always a 'but') I still get that feeling sometimes, that I just want to yell and let people know what's wrong. So I curse it quietly inside of me, and then let the issue go. I'd just forget it.
This is how I curse. It has a lot of 'fuck' and hokkien vulgarities (excluding those that include body parts. I feel that it's damned mild, and damned no use. Like scolding 'YOUR HAND', 'YOUR LEG'. What's the point? I'd love to elaborate on that point. But uhm, I don't think it's alright here. There are young children reading this!)
You know what, one day, 'fuck' will be the same as using the word 'damn' or 'shit'. It's being over-used to the point that it's getting mild, and losing the effect. The word's flexibility is probably the reason why people like to use it. It's simple, and brainless. Hah.
I've totally no idea why am I even posting this up, but I'm bored, I need to relax, and I need some form of entertainment. Apparently people can't update frequent enough. ): So yes, blame me. Feel free, I won't blame you (back).
I've discovered a new route to W5A, and it take ONLY 10minutes. Like what the hell can. I'm wondering what am I doing all this time. Incredibly long route.
Thank goodness. I hope I will remember the route. Else all the effort will come to naught. I hate wasting good effort! ):
I'm going to make another planar model, maybe. That's because I think my other one sucked real badly. Plus, it looks boring, unstable and is very hard to alter.
I'm getting excited about Architecture, and it might be fun!
Now, all I need is somebody to listen to me yak about what I learned today.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I bought 2 pads of Butter paper and the arch file at Art Friend today. They finally have stocks!
Now I'm onto the back-breaking work of doing 2 planar models. Why back-breaking? My back was already sore before I started, now it's worse. Cruddy back! ):
I hope the MRT won't have people squashing my models. Faggoty people will squash my precious precious sweat and blood.
Stay away from my models you dumb mob! And NEVER EVER KICK MY MODEL. OR I WILL KICK YOUR BUTTS!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm feeling damn depressed and totally offguard in class today. I used to be the one in class who has almost everything in my large Billabong pencil case. Back then Billabong was the only one which made L-sized pencil cases.
Now, on Monday, I had a NON-FUNCTIONING penknife, and NO cutting mat, NO super-glue, NO blu-tack, NO A3 Butter Pad, NO A3 Arch File. I've never had so much stationery missing before. ): It's depressing.
And even more now that I've listed it out in this manner.
So for the past few days that I haven't blogged, I have some grouses to spill out.
Grouse#1: I have to walk a million miles to meet QL, if i end as early as her.
Grouse#2: I have no Butter Pad when almost every one have it. Depression stems from here.
Grouse#3: I still haven't collected my ez-link card, because when I'm free, the collection area is always closed.
Argh. That aside. We still have something called 'ONOW' aka Our Nation Our World. That's sad and depressing.
As if 10 years of brain-washing is not enough, we still have to continue it in polytechnics! Will it also be necessary in the universities soon? Nevertheless, I must comment that the IMAX show is quite informative, if not a tad interesting, if not for my fellow classmates falling alsleep.
And oh yes, not to forget. Why do people always SPOT ME first, and I won't be able to spot them until days later when it's damn obvious who they are already? Ugh.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I found the lipbalm that I WAS SUPPOSED TO BRING TO JAPAN. Yet it was in my abandoned backpack, IN SINGAPORE THE WHOLE TIME I NEEDED IT.
Great man. I barely survived.
All thanks to me, and my lousy memory. Talk about being upset, pissed, and all fired up. Seriously I need to change.
I need a planner man.
School ended real early today. And we're told this is just the 'honeymoon' week. Next week we'd be starting out Primer 1 project. Hope it will be fun.
Satay sticks and cardboard boxes. And bluetack.
Imagine the wonders! O:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I was listening to 'Wake me up when September ends'. It really brought back alot of memories. Possibly the first and last chalet 4/9's ever gonna have.
The star-gazing, the calm, the fun, the beach, the bikes's probably just gonna remain as sweet memories.
(Minus the me don't know how to get down from the porch after jumping down there from the window. Just kidding. It was pretty hilarious.)
(And minus the running away from the chalet during wee hours in the morning;
Addison learning how to bike;
the swings; the beach;
the cramping of people on the beds, as well as on the floor;
the people dragging sofa cushions and mattresses off the beds to the last room;
and me freezing half to death with flu.)
My class was actually pretty sweet. (Minus the rubbish, the mess and the smell and all. You know, essentially the ugly part.) I miss the people and the nonsensical stuff that we all used to be.
If time could be turned back, I'd make the exact same decisions.
I'm going to pick up my handphone from the service center later. It's like finally back. Even though it's just 3days. );
And also to ensure anyone won't go blind because of small fonts, I'm going to change my blogskin.
When I think that well, things are finally picking up! It has to spiral downwards to prove me wrong.
Like I give a damn.
Give me your best shot, and I'll give you mine.
Monday, April 20, 2009
School started, and lots of funny/ not funny, interesting/ uninteresting stuff happened.
Flag Day taught me some stuff. Like office people won't donate. My dad says it's cos they have no cash on them. Poor things! Throw those plastic cards away! Get cash instead! Cash is in! Cash rocks! Cash is KING!
And today we had the race at Mt Sophia. Quite disappointed. Honestly I expected more. But for starters, it's still acceptable. Can't wait to see what will we do for the collage. I think my group's rather fun.
I realised that MOS Burger is not halal. All along I thought it was! O.O
I'm still hopeless with trains. Seriously. ): After resting abit, I'm going to repair my brother's handphone and mine. Same brand, same model, same problem.
It better not have more problems. Like my previous w880i's motherboard spoilt. I'm so going to boycott SE if it still have the same problem again. It would become loser-ish.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I wasn't online for some days because I was busy. Yeah really. I was! Busy about ... I forgot. Well anyways. I just went to search for QL and Addi's and other random people's blog. QL has, apparently pledged her love for potato. That's good! Now I've got a friend in sharing my love for that brown, furry, fuzzy wuzzy cute cute thing. Yay.
Addison has apparently remembered the details of our silly conversations together, and revealed how stupid my lines are. He has a VIVID memory. As far as I can remember (apparently quite limited), he left nothing out. -.-
So let me sit here and think about what are the silly things the both of them said that day...
-evil smile- Ok, nothing. BUT!
I didn't know QL was in the same Primary School as Addison.
I didn't know QL sat beside Addison in class before.
I didn't know QL was placed beside Addison because he kept forgetting to do homework and thus needed QL to write it down in his pupil's handbook.
I'm lazy to think. That's all. FOR NOW. :D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hmm, I'm spamming posts now. {:
It's always harder to take the first step, and I'm trying to take that first step and balance myself now. No matter how tough the going gets, I'm going to keep moving on. I've already lost too much, and if I continue losing (blood), I will die for sure.
I'm sure that, things will get better tomorrow! Except the waking at 6am part. Seriously it's madness to meet up so early. It's freaky. At Kovan somemore! I need more than an hour to get there. Madness. Pure madness!
I think I'm a spammer.
I'm spamming phone calls, sms-es, MSN, blah blah blah. I'm calling random people. Some don't pick up ):
If you're affected.... :D
Ok, I'm a lousy planner. Like seriously. I organised this 'celebration' to celebrate Addison's birthday. But instead it bored him to death. I think he's on the brink of death. ):
Sorry Addi!Crud. He even said it was a chance for me to practise. Rah! Now I know I suck at organising. Pft. Flag day tomorrow. I'm gonna have to wear the L-sized shirt that almost covers my knees.
Way to go guys. -.- Yup yup. DONATE PLEASE. Save me from the agony of L-sized shirts.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Oh my. Seriously accurate right down to the last alphabet in SLOTH.
Greed: | Low | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Very Low | |
Sloth: | High | |
Envy: | Very Low | |
Lust: | Very Low | |
Pride: | Low | |
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on
When I got home, showered and sat down in front of the computer, I was in a dark mood. Thus my previous post. But after that, Addison popped up, (on MSN) and started chatting. That boy is some insane senseless crap! :x
Soon we lumbered on to the subject of his DP, and he began to introduce to me the characters in Bleach (?).
He was saying things like "Oh you can't have him because he had a wife.", "I'll intro you to a few more". Like he's really the matchmaker.
All these crapping undeniably made me feel better, and my heart didn't feel so heavy after coming back home.
So yeah.
You've made my day today. Sort of.
Ok, I finally know what SPICE is. For one, its definitely NOT a condiment. It's Singapore Polytechnic Intelligent ... I forgot. So much for attentiveness.
Anyway, I got hold of my class already. Its.... something something 02. Second DARCH class. Uh. today was quite boring. We just got the intro on SPICE.
AND DAMN THE CLASSROOM. ITS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SCHOOL COMPOUND! Bloody hell. It's a 15minute walk! I can walk from Riverside Sec to home around 20 minutes!
Tomorrow's going to be a long day. All the way til 4.00pm. And the 1 hour lunch break? Unbearable for me. I know nobody in my class. Oh well... I hope I'll get to know new people tomorrow.
Today's a so-so start for me.
I hate change, but I know change is inevitable. I hate to re-start, because I tend to lose things and I don't like to lose things. I have no talent in retaining things from the past, and thus, I fear loss. Loss is inevitable at times, but I will try to keep it to a minimal. I fear to lose my best friend, who keeps me feeling that everything is going to be alright with her around. I fear I will lose the anchor that ties me to my roots.
I don't want to drift apart, because good friends who understands you are hard to find. I hope in the future, despite our busy schedules, we'd still find time for each other.
It's so hard to start anew.
I sat there and thought of how my stint at my workplace was.
There's a great variety of people there, good and bad. And well, I feel sorry for not being able to see them again everyday. Not all though, some. Ok, I'm biased, I only miss the smiley people. They taught me alot of things. I can't share it with you here. It's damn silly, for some stuff. But I still like them.
I do get a kick out of doing silly things. :x
Saying silly things, doing silly things, is a way to relax, and make yourself happier. All because it makes you laugh. Thats how people there relax, how to feel better after taking on evil customers. It works alot. And I wonder if there's silly people like me in SP. I think we'd click on some levels perfectly. -wink wink-
After almost causing Dad to lose a couple of Ks, and after almost destroying his business along the way. I think I learnt quite some stuff. Who knows I'd 'blah' architecture, and go on to be an entreprenaur.
The fortune-telling person long ago, (I don't even remember going to fortune-tellers, but Dad said I went before, when I was a BABY.) and the fortune-teller says that I'm going to have talent with numbers. (E.g 很会算.) You know what, if he's still around, I'd throw my O Level Cert at him and demand my money back. Seriously!
My brother supposedly is able to become an official. 有当官的命. His is more likely. Cos I'm seeing him go places. But with his attitude? Maybe that's his obstacle. Scully he join PAP. I might have to boycott PAP then ;D
I sent an SMS, solemnly to QL asking her how things are going on. I used a serious but casual (?) tone, and used no smileys. This is serious. Cos I never use any smileys. I wonder how will I die today.
Ok, my title has a 'school' word and a sad smiley face. All because I have to go to school again. O: Crud. I don't know what's worse okay, never-ending work or school with never-ending homework. I think its the second one.
Let's see. Why am I blogging this at 8.30AM in the morning? Cos I've no need to go to school that early! Apparently mine's the only one that starts at 1pm sharp, and ending at 3? I've totally NO idea what's going on, I'm worse than a headless housefly.
Eh, hope I can see some light at the end of today.
What's SPICE anyway? Some condiment?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I think the batch of rice is older or what. But I swear my rice smelt like barley when it was taken out of the cooker!
I'm not some fussy rice eater. But seriously, I cannot and I refuse to accept to eat rice smelling like barley. I like barley water, but NOT barley. ):
Friday, April 10, 2009
I need to stop sympathising in this sacarstic manner. But for now, its just that or nothing.
I believe that most things happen due to a cause, a cause no doubt caused by human beings themself. If you chose to cause that cause, well. Tough luck.
When we have a conversation, we choose our tone, language, especially words carefully. One single mistake could be fatal, so I've discovered. I'll just be thankful that to date, that fatal mistake did not occur to me.
So yeah, in my eyes, someone did make a mistake. The other party did get angry. And well, the most infuriating yet crudely amusing thing happened was that the kid yelled "Shut up" to the elder. And it was towards the end too, when the curtains fell.
A child who just happened to be there, and didn't know better because the child was not aptly taught. Simply put, not only it was rude, it displayed the child's character. There is something lacking there, no doubt. This thing called respect, is missing.
Education obviously does not reach out enough. No matter how 'elite' the education you receive, you'd never be able to learn the core values, and integrate it into your own system flawlessly. Even if you may be categorised as one of the so-called 'elites' by society, by the government. It remains to see that you'll be respected by others.
I'm baffled. Yet I see what my Dad means now. I feel pity for you. Because you cannot see what others see. Perhaps you do know, afterall, you're not dumb. But maybe because you think that their opinions should not be as highly regarded. Afterall, they did not get better schooling than you, surely they're dummies?
Well, I'm sorry (for you) if you think that way. Sincerely I am.
What goes around comes around. Just be ready for whatever that's coming round the corner.

Click on the image to enlarge.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Vin helped me to edit this new blogskin and all. Cos I'm too lazy to move.
Currently addicted to this Need For Speed: Pro Street game in my handphone. Going to get all cars and all of my cars fully upgraded. :D
On Monday, I went to get my hair cut with Dad. Omigosh I love my hairstylist. He rocks man! My hair is saved! :D
Dad got his hair cut too. Not too short though, it'd totally look weird.
I'd never ever change my hair salon ever again! :D Ok, unless it closes or what. That'd be totally unexpected.
The weird guy who washed my hair was weird. Cos well, he kept asking me questions on school. And I totally don't know school.
My dad sprained his back today, so I did slightly more work today. I'm guessing it hurts like hell. Cos he can't even bend down properly. ):
I haven't been online for days. I'm too lazy to. I mean, its hard work switching on the laptop. No, I'm not kidding.
School's starting next Monday. And its orientation. I'd be lying, to say I'm not worrying for my dad. He's currently expanding, and he got some new canteens. I don't think he expanded on purpose though. He knows its hell if he expands, but he can't stop himself. Irony. I think I may be able to see him coming home at 6 plus? Or even 7pm, like my aunt estimates. Working 16 hours a day? This is menial labour. Not office work man!
You'd never know how sucky this job is, until you've tried it.
If you're not interested in my job description, skip the below paragraphs.
Job Scope:
-Unloading stuff.
I'm talking about goods hundreds of kilos at one go. One big basket can weigh up to 150kg worth of things. A regular sized styrofoam box can weigh 20+kg. A regular container can weigh up to 20+kg. Imagine a lorry with stuffed full. Hundreds of kilos at one go, I assure you. The maximum weight of prawns my dad used to be able to ubload in the past was a good 400+ kgs. Only prawns! Fishes not included.
-Preparing the goods for sale.
Packing, re-packing. It only sounds easy. There's dangers involved. Getting poked, cut or scratched is a day to day thing.
Scaling's hard work. You'd know which fishes are friend or foe when you've scaled them. Injuries are likely to happen often. And for chopping? I'm thinking about the butcher who lost 4 fingers, the guy who almost amputated one of his fingers by accident, and my dad who nearly did the same some years back. They all had to return back to work pronto even after seeking medical attention. To think I can even slice my fingers with the fish together last year.
My dad could cut hundreds of kilos of ONE type of fish a day. Imagine the danger O: To say I not worry is an outright lie. So please, never distract your fishmongers at work.
So yeah, almost any other job is cushy as compared to these type of things dad has to go through.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's around this time of the year that drives me mad sometimes.
I don't want to take care of people all the time, even though I feel happy from doing it. I want to be taken care of, not always being the one taking care of others sometimes.
But, when a family's got a piece that's missing, no matter how much you try to glue back the parts, there'll still be a crack.
The crack may be the space in which the light comes in, but the wind comes in through the same space too.
There won't be a perfect finishing. What's flawed can't be fixed. At least for this anyway.
But counting blessings is a must. At least I know how it feels before all tragedy happened. At least I know, there's always somebody else.
Note: I'm not emoing. I hate being emo! This is just a rare moment when I'm not just thinking in my head. I'm typing it out instead. This is really a piece of me.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm not some
dumbass superperson who can save the world. No one can do that. So when I look at you, I don't even want to bother to try.
Because if I tried to help, and you won't budge at all. Then you're not worth my time. I've got better business to attend to.
I've tried everything. So live in your own world please, and continue being self-centred. Wait until when you can see, and realise the impact of your doings.
I'm too tired to continue. So I'm letting you go. There's someone else who better appreciates my help.
Dear Uncle:
I've figured out what's your game plan already. Don't play play okay. Time for you to change to more difficult ones.
I'm quite a high level Pokemon, so I've figured out all your game plans easily. So, train yourself until you're about the same level before battling me okay?
Even though I know its impossible and you might die on one of your trainings. But, you must PERSEVERE! (Though I reckon by the time you've reached my current level, I would've beaten all of the Elite4s.)
Plus, since you got insurance, dying is also not a very bad thing. At least there's insurance coverage for your family! They will still get a lump sum of money.
P/S: My aunt sells insurance, and my whole family clan buys insurance from her, so if you want to get better deals, do look for her! She comes down EVERY weekend to help us out. :D Ever thought its time to get a better insurance deal?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dear Uncle:
I'm sure such an old man like you has heard of FengShui. I normally don't believe in it, but I'm not sure if you do. Anyway, I've got something to share with you.
I've asked the auntie whose stall is directly behind you, and she has helped me confirm that, in FengShui,
Water = wealth/ money. Manure = gold.It has been known to my entire family, yes, even my relatives, that you like to splash water over to our side, and especially on us. When you wash things, it's totally unavoidable for you to splash some rather generous, in my humble opinion, amount of water/ "wealth" to my dad's side. Since, say, 4 years ago? My brothers and I have been your much-loved targets, so I've deduced over these few years.
In my view, you normally do that when you're free, and when we're not. So my dear brothers and I have no time to interact with you when you are so willingly and happily (yes, I did see your smirk on your pock-marked face many times before) splash your "wealth" and "money" in abundance to us.
Oh oh, and I remembered once you even tried to use the hose!
Sadly, whenever you throw your "wealth" and "money" to us, you always run away to the other side. Far far away to the other side. I guess thats the bonus of having 2 stalls in a row? And I have no chance to thank you for so generously dumping your "wealth" and"money" to us. Don't be so shy! Who knows? You might even be my generous benefactor to help me pay for my Polytechnic fees!
However, I've noticed that most of the times, your splashes of "wealth" might not land on us properly. That is wastage! Do you want to take up archery lessons with me to better your aim? I don't mind! But I aim lousier than you, so don't be surprised if one of my stray arrows hit your fat ass. It's the one thing I won't miss, ever, in my entire life.
Not to worry! I bet your insurance would cover that!
So anyways. Thank you for doing that. Although dad asked me to ignore you, but seeing how generous you are, I MUST thank you.
Don't run away next time ok? Cos I'll be sure the WHOLE MARKET WILL HEAR MY THANKS FOR YOU.
JL says he's dedicated a post for me. More like a comic. Damn cute sia. Go check it out! O:
ADDI HAS A BLOG TOO. Like oh em gee. Check his out too!
Vin's changing blog soon? Stay tuned for her new one! :D